OCILIB (C and C++ Driver for Oracle)  4.7.7
Open source and cross platform Oracle Driver delivering efficient access to Oracle databases.
No Matches
Oracle collections (VARRAYS and Nested Tables)

Detailed Description


OCILIB supports all Oracle collections:

PL/SQL tables are implemented by binding regular C arrays with the array interface (using OCI_BindArrayOfXXX() calls)

VARRAYS and Nested tables are implemented in OCILIB with the type OCI_Coll. It's possible to bind and fetch VARRAYS and Nested tables using OCI_Coll handle.

It's also possible to declare local collections based on some database type without using queries

OCI (and thus OCILIB) offers the possibility to access collection elements :

Collection Items are implemented through the type OCI_Elem and use the series of calls OCI_ElemGetXXX() and OCI_ElemSetXXX() to manipulate elements content values

#include "ocilib.h"
/* requires script demo/collections.sql */
void err_handler(OCI_Error *err)
printf("%s\n", OCI_ErrorGetString(err));
void print_elem(OCI_Object *product)
printf("...product: code %d, %s\n", OCI_ObjectGetInt(product, "code"), OCI_ObjectGetString(product, "name"));
void print_coll(OCI_Coll *coll)
OCI_Iter *iter = OCI_IterCreate(coll);
OCI_Elem *elem = OCI_IterGetNext(iter);
while (elem)
elem = OCI_IterGetNext(iter);
void bind_coll(OCI_Connection *cn)
OCI_Coll *coll = OCI_CollCreate(OCI_TypeInfoGet(cn, "product_varray_t", OCI_TIF_TYPE));
OCI_Prepare(st, "begin :array := product_varray_t(product_t(123, 'name 123'), product_t(456, 'name 456'), product_t(789, 'name 789')); end;");
OCI_BindColl(st, ":array", coll);
void fetch_coll(OCI_Connection *cn, otext * table_name)
OCI_Resultset *rs = NULL;
OCI_ExecuteStmtFmt(st, "SELECT * from %m", table_name);
rs = OCI_GetResultset(st);
while (OCI_FetchNext(rs))
printf("#%s\n", OCI_GetString(rs, 1));
print_coll(OCI_GetColl(rs, 2));
int main(void)
if (!OCI_Initialize(err_handler, NULL, OCI_ENV_DEFAULT))
cn = OCI_ConnectionCreate("db", "usr", "pwd", OCI_SESSION_DEFAULT);
fetch_coll(cn, "products_varray");
fetch_coll(cn, "products_nested_table");
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_BindColl(OCI_Statement *stmt, const otext *name, OCI_Coll *data)
Bind a Collection variable.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Iter *OCI_API OCI_IterCreate(OCI_Coll *coll)
Create an iterator handle to iterate through a collection.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_CollFree(OCI_Coll *coll)
Free a local collection.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_IterFree(OCI_Iter *iter)
Free an iterator handle.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Elem *OCI_API OCI_IterGetNext(OCI_Iter *iter)
Get the next element in the collection.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Object *OCI_API OCI_ElemGetObject(OCI_Elem *elem)
Return the object value of the given collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Coll *OCI_API OCI_CollCreate(OCI_TypeInfo *typinf)
Create a local collection instance.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ConnectionFree(OCI_Connection *con)
Close a physical connection to an Oracle database server.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Connection *OCI_API OCI_ConnectionCreate(const otext *db, const otext *user, const otext *pwd, unsigned int mode)
Create a physical connection to an Oracle database server.
struct OCI_Elem OCI_Elem
Oracle Collection item representation.
Definition: types.h:329
struct OCI_Connection OCI_Connection
Oracle physical connection.
Definition: types.h:124
struct OCI_Object OCI_Object
Oracle Named types representation.
Definition: types.h:309
struct OCI_Statement OCI_Statement
Oracle SQL or PL/SQL statement.
Definition: types.h:136
struct OCI_Coll OCI_Coll
Oracle Collections (VARRAYs and Nested Tables) representation.
Definition: types.h:319
struct OCI_Error OCI_Error
Encapsulates an Oracle or OCILIB exception.
Definition: types.h:400
struct OCI_Resultset OCI_Resultset
Collection of output columns from a select statement.
Definition: types.h:163
struct OCI_Iter OCI_Iter
Oracle Collection iterator representation.
Definition: types.h:338
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC const otext *OCI_API OCI_ErrorGetString(OCI_Error *err)
Retrieve error message from error handle.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_FetchNext(OCI_Resultset *rs)
Fetch the next row of the resultset.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC const otext *OCI_API OCI_GetString(OCI_Resultset *rs, unsigned int index)
Return the current string value of the column at the given index in the resultset.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Resultset *OCI_API OCI_GetResultset(OCI_Statement *stmt)
Retrieve the resultset handle from an executed statement.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Coll *OCI_API OCI_GetColl(OCI_Resultset *rs, unsigned int index)
Return the current Collection value of the column at the given index in the resultset.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_ExecuteStmtFmt(OCI_Statement *stmt, const otext *sql,...)
Execute a formatted SQL statement or PL/SQL block.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_Cleanup(void)
Clean up all resources allocated by the library.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_Initialize(POCI_ERROR err_handler, const otext *lib_path, unsigned int mode)
Initialize the library.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_TypeInfo *OCI_API OCI_TypeInfoGet(OCI_Connection *con, const otext *name, unsigned int type)
Retrieve the available type info information.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Statement *OCI_API OCI_StatementCreate(OCI_Connection *con)
Create a statement object and return its handle.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_StatementFree(OCI_Statement *stmt)
Free a statement and all resources associated to it (resultsets ...)
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_Prepare(OCI_Statement *stmt, const otext *sql)
Prepare a SQL statement or PL/SQL block.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_Execute(OCI_Statement *stmt)
Execute a prepared SQL statement or PL/SQL block.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC int OCI_API OCI_ObjectGetInt(OCI_Object *obj, const otext *attr)
Return the integer value of the given object attribute.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC const otext *OCI_API OCI_ObjectGetString(OCI_Object *obj, const otext *attr)
Return the string value of the given object attribute.


OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Coll *OCI_API OCI_CollCreate (OCI_TypeInfo *typinf)
 Create a local collection instance.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_CollFree (OCI_Coll *coll)
 Free a local collection.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Coll **OCI_API OCI_CollArrayCreate (OCI_Connection *con, OCI_TypeInfo *typinf, unsigned int nbelem)
 Create an array of Collection object.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_CollArrayFree (OCI_Coll **colls)
 Free an array of Collection objects.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_CollAssign (OCI_Coll *coll, OCI_Coll *coll_src)
 Assign a collection to another one.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_TypeInfo *OCI_API OCI_CollGetTypeInfo (OCI_Coll *coll)
 Return the type info object associated to the collection.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC unsigned int OCI_API OCI_CollGetType (OCI_Coll *coll)
 Return the collection type.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC unsigned int OCI_API OCI_CollGetMax (OCI_Coll *coll)
 Returns the maximum number of elements of the given collection.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC unsigned int OCI_API OCI_CollGetSize (OCI_Coll *coll)
 Returns the total number of elements of the given collection.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC unsigned int OCI_API OCI_CollGetCount (OCI_Coll *coll)
 Returns the current number of elements of the given collection.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_CollTrim (OCI_Coll *coll, unsigned int nb_elem)
 Trims the given number of elements from the end of the collection.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_CollClear (OCI_Coll *coll)
 clear all items of the given collection
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Elem *OCI_API OCI_CollGetElem (OCI_Coll *coll, unsigned int index)
 Return the element at the given position in the collection.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_CollGetElem2 (OCI_Coll *coll, unsigned int index, OCI_Elem *elem)
 Return the element at the given position in the collection.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_CollSetElem (OCI_Coll *coll, unsigned int index, OCI_Elem *elem)
 Assign the given element value to the element at the given position in the collection.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_CollAppend (OCI_Coll *coll, OCI_Elem *elem)
 Append the given element at the end of the collection.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_CollToText (OCI_Coll *coll, unsigned int *size, otext *str)
 Convert a collection handle value to a string.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_CollDeleteElem (OCI_Coll *coll, unsigned int index)
 Delete the element at the given position in the Nested Table Collection.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Iter *OCI_API OCI_IterCreate (OCI_Coll *coll)
 Create an iterator handle to iterate through a collection.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_IterFree (OCI_Iter *iter)
 Free an iterator handle.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Elem *OCI_API OCI_IterGetNext (OCI_Iter *iter)
 Get the next element in the collection.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Elem *OCI_API OCI_IterGetPrev (OCI_Iter *iter)
 Get the previous element in the collection.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Elem *OCI_API OCI_IterGetCurrent (OCI_Iter *iter)
 Get the current element in the collection.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Elem *OCI_API OCI_ElemCreate (OCI_TypeInfo *typinf)
 Create a local collection element instance based on a collection type descriptor.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemFree (OCI_Elem *elem)
 Free a local collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemGetBoolean (OCI_Elem *elem)
 Return the boolean value of the given collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Number *OCI_API OCI_ElemGetNumber (OCI_Elem *elem)
 Return the number value of the given collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC short OCI_API OCI_ElemGetShort (OCI_Elem *elem)
 Return the short value of the given collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC unsigned short OCI_API OCI_ElemGetUnsignedShort (OCI_Elem *elem)
 Return the unsigned short value of the given collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC int OCI_API OCI_ElemGetInt (OCI_Elem *elem)
 Return the int value of the given collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC unsigned int OCI_API OCI_ElemGetUnsignedInt (OCI_Elem *elem)
 Return the unsigned int value of the given collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC big_int OCI_API OCI_ElemGetBigInt (OCI_Elem *elem)
 Return the big int value of the given collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC big_uint OCI_API OCI_ElemGetUnsignedBigInt (OCI_Elem *elem)
 Return the unsigned big int value of the given collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC double OCI_API OCI_ElemGetDouble (OCI_Elem *elem)
 Return the Double value of the given collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC float OCI_API OCI_ElemGetFloat (OCI_Elem *elem)
 Return the float value of the given collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC const otext *OCI_API OCI_ElemGetString (OCI_Elem *elem)
 Return the String value of the given collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC unsigned int OCI_API OCI_ElemGetRaw (OCI_Elem *elem, void *value, unsigned int len)
 Read the RAW value of the collection element into the given buffer.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC unsigned int OCI_API OCI_ElemGetRawSize (OCI_Elem *elem)
 Return the raw attribute value size of the given element handle.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Date *OCI_API OCI_ElemGetDate (OCI_Elem *elem)
 Return the Date value of the given collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Timestamp *OCI_API OCI_ElemGetTimestamp (OCI_Elem *elem)
 Return the Timestamp value of the given collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Interval *OCI_API OCI_ElemGetInterval (OCI_Elem *elem)
 Return the Interval value of the given collection element.
 Return the Lob value of the given collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_File *OCI_API OCI_ElemGetFile (OCI_Elem *elem)
 Return the File value of the given collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Object *OCI_API OCI_ElemGetObject (OCI_Elem *elem)
 Return the object value of the given collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Coll *OCI_API OCI_ElemGetColl (OCI_Elem *elem)
 Return the collection value of the given collection element.
 Return the Ref value of the given collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetBoolean (OCI_Elem *elem, boolean value)
 Set a boolean value to a collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetNumber (OCI_Elem *elem, OCI_Number *value)
 Set a number value to a collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetShort (OCI_Elem *elem, short value)
 Set a short value to a collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetUnsignedShort (OCI_Elem *elem, unsigned short value)
 Set a unsigned short value to a collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetInt (OCI_Elem *elem, int value)
 Set a int value to a collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetUnsignedInt (OCI_Elem *elem, unsigned int value)
 Set a unsigned int value to a collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetBigInt (OCI_Elem *elem, big_int value)
 Set a big int value to a collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetUnsignedBigInt (OCI_Elem *elem, big_uint value)
 Set a unsigned big_int value to a collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetDouble (OCI_Elem *elem, double value)
 Set a double value to a collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetFloat (OCI_Elem *elem, float value)
 Set a float value to a collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetString (OCI_Elem *elem, const otext *value)
 Set a string value to a collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetRaw (OCI_Elem *elem, void *value, unsigned int len)
 Set a RAW value to a collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetDate (OCI_Elem *elem, OCI_Date *value)
 Assign a Date handle to a collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetTimestamp (OCI_Elem *elem, OCI_Timestamp *value)
 Assign a Timestamp handle to a collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetInterval (OCI_Elem *elem, OCI_Interval *value)
 Assign an Interval handle to a collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetColl (OCI_Elem *elem, OCI_Coll *value)
 Assign a Collection handle to a collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetObject (OCI_Elem *elem, OCI_Object *value)
 Assign an Object handle to a collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetLob (OCI_Elem *elem, OCI_Lob *value)
 Assign a Lob handle to a collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetFile (OCI_Elem *elem, OCI_File *value)
 Assign a File handle to a collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetRef (OCI_Elem *elem, OCI_Ref *value)
 Assign a Ref handle to a collection element.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemIsNull (OCI_Elem *elem)
 Check if the collection element value is null.
OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetNull (OCI_Elem *elem)
 Set a collection element value to null.

Function Documentation

◆ OCI_CollCreate()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Coll *OCI_API OCI_CollCreate ( OCI_TypeInfo typinf)

#include <api.h>

Create a local collection instance.

typinf- Type info handle of the collection type descriptor
Return the collection object handle on success otherwise NULL on failure

Referenced by ocilib::Collection< T >::Collection().

◆ OCI_CollFree()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_CollFree ( OCI_Coll coll)

#include <api.h>

Free a local collection.

coll- Collection handle
Only collection created with OCI_CollCreate() should be freed by OCI_CollFree()
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_CollArrayCreate()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Coll **OCI_API OCI_CollArrayCreate ( OCI_Connection con,
OCI_TypeInfo typinf,
unsigned int  nbelem 

#include <api.h>

Create an array of Collection object.

con- Connection handle
typinf- Object type (type info handle)
nbelem- number of elements in the array
see OCI_ObjectCreate() for more details
Return the Collection handle array on success otherwise NULL on failure

◆ OCI_CollArrayFree()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_CollArrayFree ( OCI_Coll **  colls)

#include <api.h>

Free an array of Collection objects.

colls- Array of Collection objects
Only arrays of Collection created with OCI_CollArrayCreate() should be freed by OCI_CollArrayFree()
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_CollAssign()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_CollAssign ( OCI_Coll coll,
OCI_Coll coll_src 

#include <api.h>

Assign a collection to another one.

coll- Destination Collection handle
coll_src- Source Collection handle
Oracle proceeds to a deep copy of the collection content
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

Referenced by ocilib::Collection< T >::Clone().

◆ OCI_CollGetTypeInfo()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_TypeInfo *OCI_API OCI_CollGetTypeInfo ( OCI_Coll coll)

#include <api.h>

Return the type info object associated to the collection.

coll- Collection handle

Referenced by ocilib::Collection< T >::Append(), and ocilib::Collection< T >::GetTypeInfo().

◆ OCI_CollGetType()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC unsigned int OCI_API OCI_CollGetType ( OCI_Coll coll)

#include <api.h>

Return the collection type.

coll- Collection handle
Current collection types are:
  • OCI_COLL_NESTED_TABLE: Oracle Nested Table
Collection type or OCI_UNKNOWN if the collection handle is null

Referenced by ocilib::Collection< T >::GetType().

◆ OCI_CollGetMax()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC unsigned int OCI_API OCI_CollGetMax ( OCI_Coll coll)

#include <api.h>

Returns the maximum number of elements of the given collection.

coll- Collection handle

Referenced by ocilib::Collection< T >::GetMax().

◆ OCI_CollGetSize()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC unsigned int OCI_API OCI_CollGetSize ( OCI_Coll coll)

#include <api.h>

Returns the total number of elements of the given collection.

coll- Collection handle

Referenced by ocilib::Collection< T >::GetSize().

◆ OCI_CollGetCount()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC unsigned int OCI_API OCI_CollGetCount ( OCI_Coll coll)

#include <api.h>

Returns the current number of elements of the given collection.

  • For VARRAYs, it returns the same value than OCI_CollGetSize() as VARRAYs cannot contains holes
  • For Nested Tables that are spare collections that can have holes, it returns the total number of elements minus the total of deleted elements
coll- Collection handle

Referenced by ocilib::Collection< T >::GetCount().

◆ OCI_CollTrim()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_CollTrim ( OCI_Coll coll,
unsigned int  nb_elem 

#include <api.h>

Trims the given number of elements from the end of the collection.

coll- Collection handle
nb_elem- Number of elements to trim
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

Referenced by ocilib::Collection< T >::Truncate().

◆ OCI_CollClear()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_CollClear ( OCI_Coll coll)

#include <api.h>

clear all items of the given collection

coll- Collection handle
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

Referenced by ocilib::Collection< T >::Clear().

◆ OCI_CollGetElem()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Elem *OCI_API OCI_CollGetElem ( OCI_Coll coll,
unsigned int  index 

#include <api.h>

Return the element at the given position in the collection.

coll- Collection handle
index- Index of the destination element
Collection indexes start at position 1.
Element handle on success otherwise FALSE

Referenced by ocilib::Collection< T >::Get(), ocilib::Collection< T >::IsElementNull(), ocilib::Collection< T >::Set(), and ocilib::Collection< T >::SetElementNull().

◆ OCI_CollGetElem2()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_CollGetElem2 ( OCI_Coll coll,
unsigned int  index,
OCI_Elem elem 

#include <api.h>

Return the element at the given position in the collection.

coll- Collection handle
index- Index of the destination element
elem- Element handle to hold the collection item data
Collection indexes start at position 1.
Element handle on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_CollSetElem()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_CollSetElem ( OCI_Coll coll,
unsigned int  index,
OCI_Elem elem 

#include <api.h>

Assign the given element value to the element at the given position in the collection.

coll- Collection handle
index- Index of the destination element
elem- Source element handle to assign
Collection indexes start at position 1.
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

Referenced by ocilib::Collection< T >::Set().

◆ OCI_CollAppend()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_CollAppend ( OCI_Coll coll,
OCI_Elem elem 

#include <api.h>

Append the given element at the end of the collection.

coll- Collection handle
elem- Element handle to add
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

Referenced by ocilib::Collection< T >::Append().

◆ OCI_CollToText()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_CollToText ( OCI_Coll coll,
unsigned int *  size,
otext *  str 

#include <api.h>

Convert a collection handle value to a string.

coll- Collection handle
size- Destination string length pointer in characters
str- Destination string
In order to compute the needed string length, call the method with a NULL string Then call the method again with a valid buffer
The resulting string is similar to the SQL*PLUS output for collections For RAWs and BLOBs attributes, their binary values are converted to hexadecimal strings
This convenient method shall not be used when performance matters. It is usually called twice (buffer length computation) and must also care about quotes within strings.
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

Referenced by ocilib::Collection< T >::ToString().

◆ OCI_CollDeleteElem()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_CollDeleteElem ( OCI_Coll coll,
unsigned int  index 

#include <api.h>

Delete the element at the given position in the Nested Table Collection.

coll- Collection handle
index- Index of the element to delete
Collection indexes start at position 1.
OCI_CollDeleteElem() is only valid for nested tables.
  • if the input collection is a nested table, it returns TRUE if the element is successfully deleted otherwise FALSE on error
  • if the input collection is a VARRAY, it always returns FALSE without spawning an exception

Referenced by ocilib::Collection< T >::Delete().

◆ OCI_IterCreate()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Iter *OCI_API OCI_IterCreate ( OCI_Coll coll)

#include <api.h>

Create an iterator handle to iterate through a collection.

coll- Collection handle
Return the iterator handle on success otherwise NULL on failure

◆ OCI_IterFree()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_IterFree ( OCI_Iter iter)

#include <api.h>

Free an iterator handle.

iter- Iterator handle
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_IterGetNext()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Elem *OCI_API OCI_IterGetNext ( OCI_Iter iter)

#include <api.h>

Get the next element in the collection.

iter- Iterator handle
Element handle on success otherwise NULL if:
  • Empty collection
  • Iterator already positioned on the last collection element
  • An error occurred

◆ OCI_IterGetPrev()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Elem *OCI_API OCI_IterGetPrev ( OCI_Iter iter)

#include <api.h>

Get the previous element in the collection.

iter- Iterator handle
Element handle on success otherwise NULL if:
  • Empty collection
  • Iterator already positioned on the last collection element
  • An error occurred

◆ OCI_IterGetCurrent()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Elem *OCI_API OCI_IterGetCurrent ( OCI_Iter iter)

#include <api.h>

Get the current element in the collection.

iter- Iterator handle
Element handle on success otherwise NULL if:
  • Empty collection
  • Iterator already positioned on the last collection element
  • An error occurred

◆ OCI_ElemCreate()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Elem *OCI_API OCI_ElemCreate ( OCI_TypeInfo typinf)

#include <api.h>

Create a local collection element instance based on a collection type descriptor.

typinf- Type info handle
Return the collection element handle on success otherwise NULL on failure

Referenced by ocilib::Collection< T >::Append().

◆ OCI_ElemFree()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemFree ( OCI_Elem elem)

#include <api.h>

Free a local collection element.

elem- Element handle
Only element created with OCI_ElemCreate() should be freed by OCI_ElemFree()
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

Referenced by ocilib::Collection< T >::Append().

◆ OCI_ElemGetBoolean()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemGetBoolean ( OCI_Elem elem)

#include <api.h>

Return the boolean value of the given collection element.

elem- Element handle
OCI_ElemGetBoolean() returns a valid value only for collection elements of PL/SQL boolean type
boolean value or FALSE on failure

◆ OCI_ElemGetNumber()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Number *OCI_API OCI_ElemGetNumber ( OCI_Elem elem)

#include <api.h>

Return the number value of the given collection element.

elem- Element handle
number handle or NULL on failure

◆ OCI_ElemGetShort()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC short OCI_API OCI_ElemGetShort ( OCI_Elem elem)

#include <api.h>

Return the short value of the given collection element.

elem- Element handle
Short value or 0 on failure

◆ OCI_ElemGetUnsignedShort()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC unsigned short OCI_API OCI_ElemGetUnsignedShort ( OCI_Elem elem)

#include <api.h>

Return the unsigned short value of the given collection element.

elem- Element handle
Unsigned short value or 0 on failure

◆ OCI_ElemGetInt()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC int OCI_API OCI_ElemGetInt ( OCI_Elem elem)

#include <api.h>

Return the int value of the given collection element.

elem- Element handle
Int value or 0 on failure

◆ OCI_ElemGetUnsignedInt()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC unsigned int OCI_API OCI_ElemGetUnsignedInt ( OCI_Elem elem)

#include <api.h>

Return the unsigned int value of the given collection element.

elem- Element handle
Unsigned int value or 0 on failure

◆ OCI_ElemGetBigInt()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC big_int OCI_API OCI_ElemGetBigInt ( OCI_Elem elem)

#include <api.h>

Return the big int value of the given collection element.

elem- Element handle
Big int value or 0 on failure

◆ OCI_ElemGetUnsignedBigInt()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC big_uint OCI_API OCI_ElemGetUnsignedBigInt ( OCI_Elem elem)

#include <api.h>

Return the unsigned big int value of the given collection element.

elem- Element handle
Unsigned big int value or 0 on failure

◆ OCI_ElemGetDouble()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC double OCI_API OCI_ElemGetDouble ( OCI_Elem elem)

#include <api.h>

Return the Double value of the given collection element.

elem- Element handle
Double value or 0 on failure

◆ OCI_ElemGetFloat()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC float OCI_API OCI_ElemGetFloat ( OCI_Elem elem)

#include <api.h>

Return the float value of the given collection element.

elem- Element handle
Double value or 0 on failure

◆ OCI_ElemGetString()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC const otext *OCI_API OCI_ElemGetString ( OCI_Elem elem)

#include <api.h>

Return the String value of the given collection element.

elem- Element handle
String value or NULL on failure

◆ OCI_ElemGetRaw()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC unsigned int OCI_API OCI_ElemGetRaw ( OCI_Elem elem,
void *  value,
unsigned int  len 

#include <api.h>

Read the RAW value of the collection element into the given buffer.

elem- Element handle
value- Buffer to store the RAW value
len- Size of the buffer
Number of bytes read from the RAW value or 0 on failure

◆ OCI_ElemGetRawSize()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC unsigned int OCI_API OCI_ElemGetRawSize ( OCI_Elem elem)

#include <api.h>

Return the raw attribute value size of the given element handle.

elem- Element handle
size in bytes of the RAW value or 0 on failure or wrong attribute type

◆ OCI_ElemGetDate()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Date *OCI_API OCI_ElemGetDate ( OCI_Elem elem)

#include <api.h>

Return the Date value of the given collection element.

elem- Element handle
Date handle or NULL on failure

◆ OCI_ElemGetTimestamp()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Timestamp *OCI_API OCI_ElemGetTimestamp ( OCI_Elem elem)

#include <api.h>

Return the Timestamp value of the given collection element.

elem- Element handle
Timestamp handle or NULL on failure

◆ OCI_ElemGetInterval()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Interval *OCI_API OCI_ElemGetInterval ( OCI_Elem elem)

#include <api.h>

Return the Interval value of the given collection element.

elem- Element handle
Interval handle or NULL on failure

◆ OCI_ElemGetLob()


#include <api.h>

Return the Lob value of the given collection element.

elem- Element handle
Lob handle or NULL on failure

◆ OCI_ElemGetFile()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_File *OCI_API OCI_ElemGetFile ( OCI_Elem elem)

#include <api.h>

Return the File value of the given collection element.

elem- Element handle
File handle or NULL on failure

◆ OCI_ElemGetObject()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Object *OCI_API OCI_ElemGetObject ( OCI_Elem elem)

#include <api.h>

Return the object value of the given collection element.

elem- Element handle
Object handle or NULL on failure

◆ OCI_ElemGetColl()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC OCI_Coll *OCI_API OCI_ElemGetColl ( OCI_Elem elem)

#include <api.h>

Return the collection value of the given collection element.

elem- Element handle
Collection handle or NULL on failure

◆ OCI_ElemGetRef()


#include <api.h>

Return the Ref value of the given collection element.

elem- Element handle
Ref handle or NULL on failure

◆ OCI_ElemSetBoolean()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetBoolean ( OCI_Elem elem,
boolean  value 

#include <api.h>

Set a boolean value to a collection element.

elem- Element handle
value- Short value
OCI_ElemSetBoolean() is only valid value only for collection elements of PL / SQL boolean type
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_ElemSetNumber()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetNumber ( OCI_Elem elem,
OCI_Number value 

#include <api.h>

Set a number value to a collection element.

elem- Element handle
value- number value
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_ElemSetShort()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetShort ( OCI_Elem elem,
short  value 

#include <api.h>

Set a short value to a collection element.

elem- Element handle
value- Short value
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_ElemSetUnsignedShort()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetUnsignedShort ( OCI_Elem elem,
unsigned short  value 

#include <api.h>

Set a unsigned short value to a collection element.

elem- Element handle
value- Unsigned short value
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_ElemSetInt()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetInt ( OCI_Elem elem,
int  value 

#include <api.h>

Set a int value to a collection element.

elem- Element handle
value- Int value
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_ElemSetUnsignedInt()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetUnsignedInt ( OCI_Elem elem,
unsigned int  value 

#include <api.h>

Set a unsigned int value to a collection element.

elem- Element handle
value- Unsigned int value
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_ElemSetBigInt()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetBigInt ( OCI_Elem elem,
big_int  value 

#include <api.h>

Set a big int value to a collection element.

elem- Element handle
value- big int value
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_ElemSetUnsignedBigInt()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetUnsignedBigInt ( OCI_Elem elem,
big_uint  value 

#include <api.h>

Set a unsigned big_int value to a collection element.

elem- Element handle
value- Unsigned big int value
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_ElemSetDouble()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetDouble ( OCI_Elem elem,
double  value 

#include <api.h>

Set a double value to a collection element.

elem- Element handle
value- Double value
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_ElemSetFloat()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetFloat ( OCI_Elem elem,
float  value 

#include <api.h>

Set a float value to a collection element.

elem- Element handle
value- float value
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_ElemSetString()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetString ( OCI_Elem elem,
const otext *  value 

#include <api.h>

Set a string value to a collection element.

elem- Element handle
value- String value
passing a null pointer for value calls OCI_ElemSetNull()
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_ElemSetRaw()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetRaw ( OCI_Elem elem,
void *  value,
unsigned int  len 

#include <api.h>

Set a RAW value to a collection element.

elem- Element handle
value- Raw value
len- Size of the raw value
passing a null pointer for value calls OCI_ElemSetNull()
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_ElemSetDate()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetDate ( OCI_Elem elem,
OCI_Date value 

#include <api.h>

Assign a Date handle to a collection element.

elem- Element handle
value- Date Handle
passing a null pointer for value calls OCI_ElemSetNull()
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_ElemSetTimestamp()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetTimestamp ( OCI_Elem elem,
OCI_Timestamp value 

#include <api.h>

Assign a Timestamp handle to a collection element.

elem- Element handle
value- Timestamp Handle
passing a null pointer for value calls OCI_ElemSetNull()
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_ElemSetInterval()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetInterval ( OCI_Elem elem,
OCI_Interval value 

#include <api.h>

Assign an Interval handle to a collection element.

elem- Element handle
value- Interval Handle
passing a null pointer for value calls OCI_ElemSetNull()
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_ElemSetColl()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetColl ( OCI_Elem elem,
OCI_Coll value 

#include <api.h>

Assign a Collection handle to a collection element.

elem- Element handle
value- Collection Handle
passing a null pointer for value calls OCI_ElemSetNull()
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_ElemSetObject()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetObject ( OCI_Elem elem,
OCI_Object value 

#include <api.h>

Assign an Object handle to a collection element.

elem- Element handle
value- Object Handle
This function assigns a copy of the object to the given attribute. Any further modifications of the object passed as the parameter 'value' will not be reflected to object 's attribute set with this call
passing a null pointer for value calls OCI_ElemSetNull()
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_ElemSetLob()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetLob ( OCI_Elem elem,
OCI_Lob value 

#include <api.h>

Assign a Lob handle to a collection element.

elem- Element handle
value- Lob Handle
passing a null pointer for value calls OCI_ElemSetNull()
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_ElemSetFile()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetFile ( OCI_Elem elem,
OCI_File value 

#include <api.h>

Assign a File handle to a collection element.

elem- Element handle
value- File Handle
passing a null pointer for value calls OCI_ElemSetNull()
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_ElemSetRef()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetRef ( OCI_Elem elem,
OCI_Ref value 

#include <api.h>

Assign a Ref handle to a collection element.

elem- Element handle
value- Ref Handle
passing a null pointer for value calls OCI_ElemSetNull()
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

◆ OCI_ElemIsNull()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemIsNull ( OCI_Elem elem)

#include <api.h>

Check if the collection element value is null.

elem- Element handle
TRUE if it's null otherwise FALSE

Referenced by ocilib::Collection< T >::IsElementNull().

◆ OCI_ElemSetNull()

OCI_SYM_PUBLIC boolean OCI_API OCI_ElemSetNull ( OCI_Elem elem)

#include <api.h>

Set a collection element value to null.

elem- Element handle
TRUE on success otherwise FALSE

Referenced by ocilib::Collection< T >::SetElementNull().