37#include "ocilibc/defines.h"
681 unsigned char *p_bytes;
struct OCI_Pool OCI_Pool
Pool object (session or connection)
struct OCI_Thread OCI_Thread
OCILIB encapsulation of OCI Threads.
struct OCI_HashTable OCI_HashTable
OCILIB implementation of hash tables.
struct OCI_Enqueue OCI_Enqueue
OCILIB encapsulation of A/Q enqueuing operations.
struct OCI_Ref OCI_Ref
Oracle REF type representation.
struct OCI_Elem OCI_Elem
Oracle Collection item representation.
struct OCI_XmlType OCI_XmlType
Oracle XMLTYPE type representation.
struct OCI_Dequeue OCI_Dequeue
OCILIB encapsulation of A/Q dequeuing operations.
struct OCI_Connection OCI_Connection
Oracle physical connection.
struct OCI_Object OCI_Object
Oracle Named types representation.
void(* POCI_THREAD)(OCI_Thread *thread, void *arg)
Thread procedure prototype.
struct OCI_Statement OCI_Statement
Oracle SQL or PL/SQL statement.
struct OCI_HashEntry OCI_HashEntry
Hash table entry.
void(* POCI_NOTIFY_AQ)(OCI_Dequeue *dequeue)
AQ notification callback prototype.
struct OCI_Timestamp OCI_Timestamp
Oracle internal timestamp representation.
struct OCI_Environment OCI_Environment
Environment object.
struct OCI_Date OCI_Date
Oracle internal date representation.
Global transaction identifier.
struct OCI_Coll OCI_Coll
Oracle Collections (VARRAYs and Nested Tables) representation.
unsigned int(* POCI_TAF_HANDLER)(OCI_Connection *con, unsigned int type, unsigned int event)
Failover Notification User callback prototype.
void(* POCI_NOTIFY)(OCI_Event *event)
Database Change Notification User callback prototype.
struct OCI_DirPath OCI_DirPath
OCILIB encapsulation of OCI Direct Path handle.
struct OCI_Bind OCI_Bind
Internal bind representation.
struct OCI_Error OCI_Error
Encapsulates an Oracle or OCILIB exception.
struct OCI_Lob OCI_Lob
Oracle Internal Large objects:
struct OCI_Long OCI_Long
Oracle Long data type.
void(* POCI_HA_HANDLER)(OCI_Connection *con, unsigned int source, unsigned int event, OCI_Timestamp *time)
HA (High Availability) events Notification User callback prototype.
struct OCI_HashValue OCI_HashValue
Hash table entry value.
struct OCI_Column OCI_Column
Oracle SQL Column and Type member representation.
struct OCI_Interval OCI_Interval
Oracle internal interval representation.
struct OCI_Transaction OCI_Transaction
Oracle Transaction.
union OCI_Variant OCI_Variant
Internal Variant type based on union C type.
struct OCI_Msg OCI_Msg
OCILIB encapsulation of A/Q message.
void(* POCI_ERROR)(OCI_Error *err)
Error procedure prototype.
struct OCI_Number OCI_Number
Oracle NUMBER representation.
struct OCI_TypeInfo OCI_TypeInfo
Type info metadata handle.
struct OCI_File OCI_File
Oracle External Large objects:
void(* POCI_THREADKEYDEST)(void *data)
Thread key destructor prototype.
struct OCI_Event OCI_Event
OCILIB encapsulation of Oracle DCN event.
struct OCI_Mutex OCI_Mutex
OCILIB encapsulation of OCI mutexes.
struct OCI_Resultset OCI_Resultset
Collection of output columns from a select statement.
struct OCI_Subscription OCI_Subscription
OCILIB encapsulation of Oracle DCN notification.
struct OCI_Iter OCI_Iter
Oracle Collection iterator representation.
struct OCI_Agent OCI_Agent
OCILIB encapsulation of A/Q Agent.