OCILIB (C and C++ Driver for Oracle)  4.7.7
Open source and cross platform Oracle Driver delivering efficient access to Oracle databases.
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Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NocilibOCILIB ++ Namespace
 NcoreOCILIB internal core classes
 CConcurrentListInternal usage. List supporting concurrent access from multiple threads
 CConcurrentMapInternal usage. Map supporting concurrent access from multiple threads
 CEnumTemplate Enumeration template class providing some type safety to some extends for manipulating enumerated variables
 CFlagsTemplate Flags template class providing some type safety to some extends for manipulating flags set variables
 CHandleInternal usage. Interface for handling ownership and relationship of a C API handle
 CHandleHolderInternal usage. Smart pointer class with reference counting for managing OCILIB object handles
 CHandleStoreInternal usage. Provide a store for C Handles to C++ Handles mapping
 CManagedBufferInternal usage. Provide a buffer class with RAII capabilities
 CStreamableAbstract class allowing derived classes to be compatible with any type supporting the operator << ocilib::ostring
 CSupportedNumericInternal usage. Determine if the given type is a supported numeric type
 CSynchronizableInternal usage. Base class for types that can be locked
 CSynchronizationGuardInternal usage. SynchronizationGuard object
 NsupportOCILIB internal support classes
 CBindArrayInternal usage. Class implementing bind translations between C++ vectors and C API arrays
 CBindObjectInternal usage. Base class for implementing bind translations for C++ objects and their counter parts in the C API
 CBindObjectAdaptorInternal usage. Class implementing bind adapters between C++ class and C API types
 CBindResolverInternal usage. Allow resolving a native type used by C API from a C++ type in binding operations
 CBindResolverHandleTypeSimplified resolver for handle types
 CBindResolverScalarTypeSimplified resolver for scalar types that do not need translation
 CBindResolverTypeResolve a bind input / output types
 CBindsHolderInternal usage. Class owning bind objects allowing to set/get C data prior/after a statement execution
 CBindTypeAdaptorInternal usage. Class implementing bind adapters between C++ types and C API types when C++ types do not exist in C
 CHandleDeleterInternal usage. Allow resolving a deleter for C handles
 CHandleStoreResolverInternal usage. Allow resolving information required creating a handle store for a given C Handle
 CHandleStoreResolverTypeInternal usage
 CNumericTypeResolverAllow resolving a the C API numeric enumerated type from a C++ type
 CAgentAQ identified agent for messages delivery
 CBindInfoProvides SQL bind information
 CCollectionObject identifying the SQL data types VARRAY and NESTED TABLE
 CCollectionElementClass used for handling transient collection value. it is used internally by the Collection<T> class:
 CCollectionIteratorSTL compliant Collection Random iterator class
 CColumnEncapsulate a Resultset column or object member properties
 CConnectionA connection or session with a specific database
 CDateObject identifying the SQL data type DATE
 CDequeueDequeue object for dequeuing messages into an Oracle Queue
 CDirectPathOracle Direct path loading encapsulation
 CEnqueueEnqueue object for queuing messages into an Oracle Queue
 CEnvironmentStatic class in charge of library initialization / cleanup
 CEventSubscription Event
 CExceptionException class handling all OCILIB errors
 CFileObject identifying the SQL data type BFILE
 CIntervalObject identifying the SQL data type INTERVAL
 CLobObject identifying the SQL data type LOB (CLOB, NCLOB and BLOB)
 CLongObject identifying the SQL data type LONG
 CMessageAQ message
 CMutexStatic class allowing managing mutexes
 CNumberObject identifying the SQL data type NUMBER
 CObjectObject identifying the SQL data type OBJECT
 CPoolA connection or session Pool
 CQueueClass allowing the administration of Oracle Queues
 CQueueTableClass allowing the administration of Oracle Queue tables
 CReferenceObject identifying the SQL data type REF
 CResultsetDatabase resultset
 CStatementObject used for executing SQL or PL/SQL statement and returning the produced results
 CSubscriptionSubscription to database or objects changes
 CThreadStatic class allowing to manipulate threads
 CThreadKeyStatic class allowing to set/get thread local storage (TLS) values for a given unique key
 CTimestampObject identifying the SQL data type TIMESTAMP
 CTransactionOracle Transaction object
 CTypeInfoProvides type information on Oracle Database objects
 CXmlTypeObject identifying the SQL data type XMLTYPE