OCILIB (C and C++ Driver for Oracle)  4.7.7
Open source and cross platform Oracle Driver delivering efficient access to Oracle databases.
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ocilib::core Namespace Reference

OCILIB internal core classes. More...


class  ConcurrentList
 Internal usage. List supporting concurrent access from multiple threads. More...
class  ConcurrentMap
 Internal usage. Map supporting concurrent access from multiple threads. More...
class  Enum
 Template Enumeration template class providing some type safety to some extends for manipulating enumerated variables. More...
class  Flags
 Template Flags template class providing some type safety to some extends for manipulating flags set variables. More...
class  Handle
 Internal usage. Interface for handling ownership and relationship of a C API handle. More...
class  HandleHolder
 Internal usage. Smart pointer class with reference counting for managing OCILIB object handles. More...
class  HandleStore
 Internal usage. Provide a store for C Handles to C++ Handles mapping. More...
class  ManagedBuffer
 Internal usage. Provide a buffer class with RAII capabilities. More...
class  Streamable
 Abstract class allowing derived classes to be compatible with any type supporting the operator << ocilib::ostring. More...
struct  SupportedNumeric
 Internal usage. Determine if the given type is a supported numeric type. More...
class  Synchronizable
 Internal usage. Base class for types that can be locked. More...
class  SynchronizationGuard
 Internal usage. SynchronizationGuard object. More...


enum  SynchronizationMode
 Internal usage. Synchronization mode enumeration.


template<class T >
static T Check (T result)
 Internal usage. Checks if the last OCILIB function call has raised an error. If so, it raises a C++ exception using the retrieved error handle.
ostring MakeString (const otext *result, int size=-1)
 Internal usage. Constructs a C++ string object from the given OCILIB string pointer.
Raw MakeRaw (AnyPointer result, unsigned int size)
 Internal usage. Constructs a C++ Raw object from the given OCILIB raw buffer.
template<class T >
Check (T result)
 Internal usage. Checks if the last OCILIB function call has raised an error. If so, it raises a C++ exception using the retrieved error handle.

Detailed Description

OCILIB internal core classes.