OCILIB (C and C++ Driver for Oracle)  4.7.7
Open source and cross platform Oracle Driver delivering efficient access to Oracle databases.
No Matches
OCILIB main C++ demo application code


Main C++ demo source

* OCILIB - C Driver for Oracle (C Wrapper for Oracle OCI)
* Website: http://www.ocilib.net
* Copyright (c) 2007-2025 Vincent ROGIER <vince.rogier@ocilib.net>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "ocilib.hpp"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#if defined(OCI_CHARSET_WIDE)
#pragma comment(lib, "ocilibw.lib")
#elif defined(OCI_CHARSET_ANSI)
#pragma comment(lib, "ociliba.lib")
using namespace ocilib;
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
const int ArgDatabase = 1;
const int ArgUser = 2;
const int ArgPassword = 3;
const int ArgHome = 4;
const int ArgCount = 5;
const int SizeString = 260;
const int SizeBuffer = 2048;
const int ElemCount = 5;
const int DirPathBufferSize = 64000;
const int DirPathLoadSize = 100;
const int DirPathLoadCount = 10;
const int DirPathSizeColumn1 = 20;
const int DirPathSizeColumn2 = 30;
const int DirPathSizeColumn3 = 8;
const int DirPathColumnCount = 3;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#if defined(_WINDOWS)
#if defined(OCI_CHARSET_WIDE)
#define OCI_SHARED_LIB "ocilibw.dll"
#define OCI_SHARED_LIB "ociliba.dll"
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
#define OCI_SHARED_LIB "libocilib.dylib"
#elif defined(__hppa)
#define OCI_SHARED_LIB "libocilib.sl"
#define OCI_SHARED_LIB "libocilib.so"
#define otext(s) OTEXT(s)
#define oendl std::endl
#if defined(OCI_CHARSET_WIDE)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define omain wmain
#define oarg otext
#define oarglen wcslen
#define omain main
#define oarg char
#define oarglen strlen
#define omain main
#define oarg char
#define oarglen strlen
#if defined(OCI_CHARSET_WIDE)
#define ocout std::wcout
#define oostringstream std::wostringstream
#define ocout std::cout
#define oostringstream std::ostringstream
#define ARRAY_COUNT(t) (sizeof(t)/sizeof(t[0]))
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* LOCAL TYPES for the demo
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct Test
void(*proc)(void); /* test procedure */
bool execute; /* do execute the procedure ? */
// User translation of the test_table SQL tables rows
struct Product
int code;
ostring action;
double price;
Date date;
// User translation of the test_array SQL table rows
struct TestArray
int val_int;
float val_flt;
double val_dbl;
ostring val_str;
Date val_date;
Clob val_lob;
File val_file;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* prototypes
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void print_version(void);
void create_tables(void);
void drop_tables(void);
void execute_ddl(ostring sql);
void test_format(void);
void test_immediate(void);
void test_immediate_format(void);
void test_fetch(void);
void test_fetch_translate(void);
void test_foreach(void);
void test_foreach_translate(void);
void test_bind1(void);
void test_bind2(void);
void test_piecewise_insert(void);
void test_piecewise_fetch(void);
void test_lob(void);
void test_nested_table(void);
void test_ref_cursor(void);
void test_plsql(void);
void test_dates(void);
void test_timestamp(void);
void test_describe(void);
void test_returning(void);
void test_returning_array(void);
void test_object_insert(void);
void test_object_fetch(void);
void test_scrollable_cursor(void);
void test_collection(void);
void test_ref(void);
void test_directpath(void);
void test_bigint(void);
void test_number(void);
Product CreateProductFromQuery(const Resultset &rs);
bool FillProductFromQuery(const Resultset &rs, Product &p);
bool PrintProductFromQuery(const Resultset &rs);
bool PrintProductFromObject(const Product &p);
/* ocilib test functions array */
Test tab_test[] =
{ test_fetch, true },
{ test_fetch_translate, true },
{ test_foreach, true },
{ test_foreach_translate, true },
{ test_bind1, true },
{ test_bind2, true },
{ test_piecewise_insert, true },
{ test_piecewise_fetch, true },
{ test_lob, true },
{ test_nested_table, true },
{ test_ref_cursor, true },
{ test_plsql, true },
{ test_dates, true },
{ test_timestamp, true },
{ test_describe, true },
{ test_returning, true },
{ test_returning_array, true },
{ test_object_insert, true },
{ test_object_fetch, true },
{ test_scrollable_cursor, true },
{ test_collection, true },
{ test_ref, true },
{ test_directpath, true },
{test_bigint, true},
{test_number, true}
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* variables
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static Connection con;
inline ostring GetArg(oarg *arg)
ostring res;
if (arg)
size_t i = 0, size = oarglen(arg);
while (i < size) { res[i] = static_cast<char>(arg[i]); i++; }
return res;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* main
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int omain(int argc, oarg* argv[])
ostring home;
ostring dbs;
ostring usr;
ostring pwd;
size_t i;
/* CHECK COMMAND LINE --------------------------------------------------- */
if (argc < (ArgCount - 1))
/* GET ARGUMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------*/
dbs = GetArg(argv[ArgDatabase]);
usr = GetArg(argv[ArgUser]);
pwd = GetArg(argv[ArgPassword]);
if (argc == ArgCount)
home = GetArg(argv[ArgHome]);
ocout << otext("Connecting to ") << usr << otext("/") << pwd << otext("@") << dbs << oendl << oendl;
con.Open(dbs, usr, pwd, Environment::SessionDefault);
/* execute tests */
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(tab_test); i++)
if (tab_test[i].execute)
catch (Exception &ex)
ocout << ex.GetMessage() << oendl;
if (con)
ocout << otext("\nPress any key to exit...");
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* Helpers methods
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool FillProductFromQuery(const Resultset &rs, Product &p)
p.code = rs.Get<int>(1);
p.action = rs.Get<ostring>(2);
p.price = rs.Get<double>(3);
p.date = rs.Get<Date>(4);
return true;
Product CreateProductFromQuery(const Resultset &rs)
Product p;
rs.Get(1, p.code);
rs.Get(2, p.action);
rs.Get(3, p.price);
rs.Get(4, p.date);
return p;
bool PrintProductFromQuery(const Resultset &rs)
ocout << otext("> code : ") << rs.Get<int>(1);
ocout << otext(", action : ") << rs.Get<ostring>(2);
ocout << otext(", price : ") << rs.Get<double>(3);
ocout << otext(", date : ") << rs.Get<Date>(4);
ocout << oendl;
return true;
bool PrintProductFromObject(const Product &p)
ocout << otext("> code : ") << p.code;
ocout << otext(", action : ") << p.action;
ocout << otext(", price : ") << p.price;
ocout << otext(", date : ") << p.date;
ocout << oendl;
return true;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* print_version
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void print_version(void)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> OCILIB BUILD INFORMATION \n\n");
ocout << otext("OCI import mode : LINKAGE\n");
ocout << otext("OCI import mode : RUNTIME\n");
ocout << otext("Charset type : ANSI\n");
ocout << otext("Charset type : WIDE\n");
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> VERSIONS INFORMATION \n\n");
ocout << otext("OCILIB major version : ") << OCILIB_MAJOR_VERSION << oendl;
ocout << otext("OCILIB minor version : ") << OCILIB_MINOR_VERSION << oendl;
ocout << otext("OCILIB revision version : ") << OCILIB_REVISION_VERSION << oendl;
ocout << otext("OCI compile version : ") << Environment::GetCompileMajorVersion() << oendl;
ocout << otext("OCI runtime version : ") << Environment::GetRuntimeMajorVersion() << oendl;
ocout << otext("Server major version : ") << con.GetServerMajorVersion() << oendl;
ocout << otext("Server minor version : ") << con.GetServerMinorVersion() << oendl;
ocout << otext("Server revision version : ") << con.GetServerRevisionVersion() << oendl;
ocout << otext("Connection version : ") << static_cast<unsigned int>(con.GetVersion()) << oendl;
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> SERVER VERSION BANNER \n\n");
ocout << con.GetServerVersion() << oendl << oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* execute_ddl
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void execute_ddl(ostring sql)
Statement st(con);
catch (Exception &ex)
switch (ex.GetType().GetValue())
ocout << otext("Oracle Error => ");
ocout << otext("Oracle Error => ");
ocout << otext("OCILIB Error => ");
ocout << otext("Unknown Error => ");
ocout << ex.what() << oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* create_tables
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void create_tables(void)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> CREATE TABLES FOR DEMO \n\n");
/* create types for the demo */
execute_ddl(otext("create type type_t as OBJECT (id int, name varchar2(50))"));
execute_ddl(otext("create type test_t as object ")
otext("( ")
otext(" val_int number, ")
otext(" val_flt float, ")
otext(" val_dbl float, ")
otext(" val_str varchar2(30), ")
otext(" val_date date, ")
otext(" val_lob clob, ")
otext(" val_file bfile, ")
otext(" val_obj type_t, ")
otext(" val_raw raw(10) ")
execute_ddl(otext("create type t_tab1_emp as VARRAY(100) of varchar2(50)"));
execute_ddl(otext("create type t_tab2_emp as table of varchar2(50)"));
/* create table for the demo */
execute_ddl(otext("create table test_fetch(code int, article ")
otext("varchar2(30), price float, creation date)"));
execute_ddl(otext("create table test_long_raw(code int, content long raw)"));
execute_ddl(otext("create table test_long_str(code int, content long)"));
execute_ddl(otext("create table test_lob(code int, content clob)"));
execute_ddl(otext("create table test_object(val test_t)"));
execute_ddl(otext("create table test_table_obj of type_t"));
execute_ddl(otext("create table test_array ")
otext("( ")
otext(" val_int number, ")
otext(" val_dbl float, ")
otext(" val_flt float, ")
otext(" val_str varchar2(30), ")
otext(" val_date date, ")
otext(" val_lob clob, ")
otext(" val_file bfile ")
execute_ddl(otext("create table test_coll_varray ")
otext("( ")
otext(" departement number, ")
otext(" employees t_tab1_emp ")
execute_ddl(otext("create table test_coll_nested ")
otext("( ")
otext(" departement number, ")
otext(" employees t_tab2_emp ")
otext(") nested table employees store as test_table_emp")
execute_ddl(otext("create table test_directpath(val_int number(8,4), ")
otext(" val_str varchar2(30), val_date date)"));
execute_ddl(otext("create type test_num_coll_t as varray(10) of number"));
execute_ddl(otext("create type test_num_t as object (value number)"));
execute_ddl(otext("create table test_number (value number)"));
/* insert data into the demo tables */
execute_ddl(otext("insert into test_fetch ")
otext("(code, article, price, creation) ")
otext("values (1, 'shoes', 3.14, to_date('1978-12-23', 'YYYY-MM-DD'))"));
execute_ddl(otext("insert into test_fetch ")
otext("(code, article, price, creation) ")
otext("values (2, 'shirt', 5.99, to_date('1999-09-12', 'YYYY-MM-DD'))"));
execute_ddl(otext("insert into test_lob(code,content) ")
otext("values (1, EMPTY_CLOB())"));
execute_ddl(otext("insert into test_long_str(code,content) ")
otext("values (1, 'Rugby rocks !')"));
execute_ddl(otext("insert into test_coll_varray(departement,employees) ")
otext("values (1, t_tab1_emp('Peter', 'John', 'Paula', 'Gina'))"));
execute_ddl(otext("insert into test_coll_varray(departement,employees) ")
otext("values (2, t_tab1_emp('Ben', 'Alice', 'Joel', 'Maria'))"));
execute_ddl(otext("insert into test_coll_nested(departement,employees) ")
otext("values (1, t_tab2_emp('Vince', 'Richard', 'Rita', 'Sophia'))"));
execute_ddl(otext("insert into test_coll_nested(departement,employees) ")
otext("values (2, t_tab2_emp('Paul', 'Sarah', 'Robert', 'Zoe'))"));
execute_ddl(otext("insert into test_table_obj values(type_t(1, 'shoes'))"));
execute_ddl(otext("insert into test_table_obj values(type_t(2, 'pen'))"));
execute_ddl(otext("insert into test_number values(3.14)"));
execute_ddl(otext("insert into test_number values(5.28)"));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* drop_tables
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void drop_tables(void)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> DROPPING TABLES AND TYPES \n\n");
execute_ddl(otext("drop table test_fetch"));
execute_ddl(otext("drop table test_long_str"));
execute_ddl(otext("drop table test_long_raw"));
execute_ddl(otext("drop table test_lob"));
execute_ddl(otext("drop table test_array"));
execute_ddl(otext("drop table test_object"));
execute_ddl(otext("drop table test_coll_varray"));
execute_ddl(otext("drop table test_coll_nested"));
execute_ddl(otext("drop table test_table_obj"));
execute_ddl(otext("drop table test_directpath"));
execute_ddl(otext("drop table test_number"));
execute_ddl(otext("drop type test_t"));
execute_ddl(otext("drop type type_t"));
execute_ddl(otext("drop type t_tab1_emp"));
execute_ddl(otext("drop type t_tab2_emp"));
execute_ddl(otext("drop type test_num_coll_t"));
execute_ddl(otext("drop type test_num_t"));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_fetch
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_fetch(void)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> SIMPLE TEST FETCH WITH META DATA\n\n");
Statement st(con);
st.Execute(otext("select * from test_fetch"));
Resultset rs = st.GetResultset();
for (int i = 1, n = rs.GetColumnCount(); i <= n; i++)
ocout << otext("> Field : #") << i << otext(" - Name : ") << rs.GetColumn(i).GetName() << oendl;
ocout << oendl;
while (rs++)
ocout << oendl << rs.GetCount() << otext(" row(s) fetched") << oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_fetch_translate
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_fetch_translate(void)
Statement st(con);
st.Execute(otext("select * from test_fetch"));
Resultset rs = st.GetResultset();
ocout << oendl;
while (rs++)
Product p;
if (rs.Get(p, FillProductFromQuery))
ocout << oendl << rs.GetCount() << otext(" row(s) fetched") << oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_foreach
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_foreach(void)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> FOREACH FETCH\n\n");
Statement st(con);
st.Execute(otext("select * from test_fetch"), PrintProductFromQuery);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_foreach_translate
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_foreach_translate(void)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> FOREACH FETCH WITH TRANSLATION\n\n");
Statement st(con);
st.Execute(otext("select * from test_fetch"), PrintProductFromObject, CreateProductFromQuery);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_bind1
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_bind1(void)
unsigned int code = 1, count = 0;
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST BINDING \n\n");
Statement st(con);
st.Prepare(otext("select * from test_fetch where code = :code"));
st.Bind(otext(":code"), code, BindInfo::In);
count = st.ExecutePrepared(PrintProductFromObject, CreateProductFromQuery);
ocout << oendl << count << otext(" row(s) fetched") << oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_bind2
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_bind2(void)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> SINGLE BINDING \n\n");
Statement st(con);
st.Prepare(otext("insert into test_array ")
otext("( ")
otext(" val_int, val_dbl, val_flt, val_str, val_date, ")
otext(" val_lob, val_file ")
otext(") ")
otext("values ")
otext("( ")
otext(" :val_int, :val_dbl, :val_flt, :val_str, :val_date, ")
otext(" :val_lob, :val_file ")
otext(") "));
/* create objects and set values */
TestArray t;
t.val_date = Date::SysDate();
t.val_int = 1;
t.val_dbl = 3.14;
t.val_flt = 3.14f;
t.val_str = otext("Name00");
t.val_lob = Clob(con);
t.val_file = File(con);
t.val_lob.Write(otext("lob value00"));
t.val_file.SetInfos(otext("mydir"), otext("file00.txt"));
/* bind scalar C types arrays */
st.Bind(otext(":val_int"), t.val_int, BindInfo::In);
st.Bind(otext(":val_dbl"), t.val_dbl, BindInfo::In);
st.Bind(otext(":val_flt"), t.val_flt, BindInfo::In);
st.Bind(otext(":val_str"), t.val_str, static_cast<unsigned int>(t.val_str.size()), BindInfo::In);
/* bind oracle types arrays */
st.Bind(otext(":val_date"), t.val_date, BindInfo::In);
st.Bind(otext(":val_lob"), t.val_lob, BindInfo::In);
st.Bind(otext(":val_file"), t.val_file, BindInfo::In);
/* do insert */
ocout << oendl << st.GetAffectedRows() << otext(" row(s) inserted") << oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_piecewise_insert
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_piecewise_insert(void)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST PIECEWISE INSERTING\n\n");
std::ifstream file(OCI_SHARED_LIB, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
if (file.is_open())
size_t size = static_cast<size_t>(file.tellg());
file.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
ocout << oendl << size << otext(" bytes to write") << oendl;
Statement st(con);
Blong lg(st);
st.Prepare(otext("insert into test_long_raw(code, content) values (1, :data)"));
st.SetPieceSize(static_cast<unsigned int>(size));
st.Bind(otext(":data"), lg, static_cast<unsigned int>(size), BindInfo::In);
unsigned char *strBuffer = new unsigned char[size];
file.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(strBuffer), size);
lg.Write(Raw(strBuffer, strBuffer + size));
delete[] strBuffer;
ocout << oendl << lg.GetLength() << otext(" bytes written") << oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_piecewise_fetch
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_piecewise_fetch(void)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST PIECEWISE FETCHING\n\n");
Statement st(con);
st.Execute(otext("select content from test_long_raw where code = 1"));
Resultset rs1 = st.GetResultset();
while (rs1++)
Blong lg = rs1.Get<Blong>(1);
ocout << oendl << lg.GetLength() << otext(" bytes read") << oendl;
ocout << oendl << rs1.GetCount() << otext(" row(s) fetched") << oendl;
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST LONG MAPPED TO STRING\n\n");
st.Execute(otext("select content from test_long_str where code = 1"));
Resultset rs2 = st.GetResultset();
while (rs2++)
ostring str = rs2.Get<ostring>(1);
ocout << str << oendl;
ocout << str.size() << otext(" bytes read") << oendl;
ocout << oendl << rs2.GetCount() << otext(" row(s) fetched") << oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_lob
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_lob(void)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST LOB MANIPULATION\n\n");
Statement st(con);
st.Execute(otext("select code, content from test_lob where code=1 for update"));
Resultset rs = st.GetResultset();
while (rs++)
Clob clob = rs.Get<Clob>(2);
clob.Write(otext("today, "));
clob.Append(otext("i'm going to the cinema ! "));
clob.Seek(SeekSet, 0);
ocout << otext("> code : ") << rs.Get<int>(1) << otext(", content : ") << clob.Read(SizeString) << oendl;
ocout << oendl << rs.GetCount() << otext(" row(s) fetched") << oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_nested_table
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_nested_table(void)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST NESTED TABLE \n\n");
Statement st(con);
st.Execute(otext("select article, cursor(select sysdate from dual) from test_fetch"));
Resultset rs = st.GetResultset();
while (rs++)
Statement st2 = rs.Get<Statement>(2);
Resultset rs2 = st2.GetResultset();
while (rs2++)
ocout << otext("Article : ") << rs.Get<ostring>(1) << otext(", Date : ") << rs2.Get<ostring>(1) << oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_ref_cursor
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_ref_cursor(void)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST REF CURSOR \n\n");
Statement stBind(con);
Statement st(con);
st.Prepare(otext("begin open :c for select * from test_fetch; end;"));
st.Bind(otext(":c"), stBind, BindInfo::Out);
Resultset rs = stBind.GetResultset();
while (rs++)
ocout << oendl << rs.GetCount() << otext(" row(s) fetched") << oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_plsql
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_plsql(void)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST PL/SQL OUTPUT BIND\n\n");
int res = 0;
Statement st(con);
st.Prepare(otext("begin :res := trunc(sysdate+1)-trunc(sysdate-1); end;"));
st.Bind(otext(":res"), res, BindInfo::Out);
ocout << otext("PL/SQL : trunc(sysdate+1)-trunc(sysdate-1)") << oendl;
ocout << otext("Result : ") << res << oendl;
/* Oracle 8i has some troubles with SERVER OUTPUT in unicode */
if (Environment::GetRuntimeVersion() < Oracle9iR1)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST PL/SQL SERVER OUTPUT\n\n");
/* server output */
con.EnableServerOutput(32000, 5, 255);
st.Execute(otext("begin ")
otext(" dbms_output.put_line('First line'); ")
otext(" dbms_output.put_line('Second line'); ")
otext(" dbms_output.put_line('Third line'); ")
ostring line;
while (con.GetServerOutput(line))
ocout << line << oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_dates
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_dates(void)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST DATETIME MANIPULATION\n\n");
Date date(otext("1978-04-13"));
ocout << date << oendl;
ocout << date.SysDate() << oendl;
ocout << otext("Date + 5 days and 2 months is ") << date << oendl;
ocout << otext("Last day of the month : ") << date.LastDay() << oendl;
ocout << otext("Number of days until the end of the months : ") << date.LastDay().DaysBetween(date) << oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_timestamp
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_timestamp(void)
unsigned int version = Environment::GetRuntimeVersion();
/* Oracle 9i has some troubles with formatting Intervals/timestamps in
an UTF16 context... */
if ((version >= Oracle9iR1) || (version < Oracle10gR1))
if (version >= Oracle9iR1)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST TIMESTAMP\n\n");
ocout << otext("Current timestamp: ") << tm << oendl;
/* intervals raw oci functions have some troubles with Oracle 9i. So let's
use it for the demo only if we're using 10g or above */
if (version >= Oracle10gR1)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST INTERVAL \n\n");
itv.SetDaySecond(1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
tm += itv;
ocout << otext("Current timestamp + Interval: ") << tm << oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_describe
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_describe(void)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST DESCRIBING TABLE \n\n");
ocout << otext("Column Name Type ") << oendl;
ocout << otext("----------------------------------------") << oendl;
ocout << std::setiosflags(std::ios::left);
TypeInfo table(con, otext("test_fetch"), TypeInfo::Table);
for (int i = 1, n = table.GetColumnCount(); i <= n; i++)
Column col = table.GetColumn(i);
ocout << std::setw(20) << col.GetName().c_str()
<< std::setw(20) << col.GetFullSQLType().c_str()
<< oendl;
/* TEST DESCRIBING TYPE ------------------------------------------------- */
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST DESCRIBING TYPE \n\n");
ocout << otext("Column Name Type ") << oendl;
ocout << otext("----------------------------------------") << oendl;
ocout << std::setiosflags(std::ios::left);
TypeInfo type(con, otext("test_t"), TypeInfo::Type);
for (int i = 1, n = type.GetColumnCount(); i <= n; i++)
Column col = type.GetColumn(i);
ocout << std::setw(20) << col.GetName().c_str()
<< std::setw(20) << col.GetFullSQLType().c_str()
<< oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_returning
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_returning(void)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST RETURNING CLAUSE \n\n");
Statement st(con);
st.Prepare(otext("update test_lob set code = code + 1 returning code, content into :i, :l"));
Resultset rs = st.GetResultset();
while (rs++)
Clob clob = rs.Get<Clob>(2);
clob.Seek(SeekSet, 0);
ocout << otext("> code : ") << rs.Get<int>(1) << otext(" - ") << clob.Read(static_cast<unsigned int>(clob.GetLength())) << oendl;
ocout << oendl << rs.GetCount() << otext(" row(s) fetched") << oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_returning_array
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_returning_array(void)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST ARRAY BINDING WITH RETURNING CLAUSE \n\n");
std::vector<int> tab_int;
std::vector<double> tab_dbl;
std::vector<float> tab_flt;
std::vector<ostring> tab_str;
std::vector<Date> tab_date;
std::vector<Clob> tab_lob;
std::vector<File> tab_file;
for (int i = 0; i < ElemCount; i++)
tab_int.push_back(i + 1);
tab_dbl.push_back(3.14*static_cast<double>(i + 1));
tab_flt.push_back(3.14f*static_cast<float>(i + 1));
ostring str;
str += otext("Name");
str += static_cast<ostring::value_type>((i + 1) + '0');
Clob clob(con);
clob.Write(otext("Lob value ") + str);
ostring fileName;
fileName += otext("File");
fileName += static_cast<ostring::value_type>((i + 1) + '0');
File file(con, otext("Mydir"), fileName);
Statement st(con);
st.Prepare(otext("insert into test_array ")
otext("( ")
otext(" val_int, val_dbl, val_flt, val_str, val_date, ")
otext(" val_lob, val_file ")
otext(") ")
otext("values ")
otext("( ")
otext(" :val_int, :val_dbl, :val_flt, :val_str, :val_date, ")
otext(" :val_lob, :val_file ")
otext(") ")
otext(" val_int, val_dbl, val_flt, val_str, val_date, ")
otext(" val_lob, val_file ")
otext("into ")
otext(" :out_int, :out_dbl, :out_flt, :out_str, :out_date, ")
otext(" :out_lob, :out_file "));
/* bind vectors */
st.Bind(otext(":val_int"), tab_int, BindInfo::In);
st.Bind(otext(":val_dbl"), tab_dbl, BindInfo::In);
st.Bind(otext(":val_flt"), tab_flt, BindInfo::In);
st.Bind(otext(":val_date"), tab_date, BindInfo::In);
st.Bind(otext(":val_lob"), tab_lob, BindInfo::In);
st.Bind(otext(":val_file"), tab_file, BindInfo::In);
st.Bind(otext(":val_str"), tab_str, 30, BindInfo::In);
/* register output */
st.Register<int >(otext(":out_int"));
st.Register<double >(otext(":out_dbl"));
st.Register<float >(otext(":out_flt"));
st.Register<Date >(otext(":out_date"));
st.Register<Clob >(otext(":out_lob"));
st.Register<File >(otext(":out_file"));
st.Register<ostring>(otext(":out_str"), 30);
ocout << oendl << st.GetAffectedRows() << otext(" row(s) inserted") << oendl;
int rowIndex = 0;
Resultset rs = st.GetResultset();
while (!rs.IsNull())
while (rs++)
ocout << otext("Row #") << ++rowIndex << otext("---------------") << oendl;
ocout << otext(".... val_int : ") << rs.Get<int>(otext(":OUT_INT")) << oendl;
ocout << otext(".... val_dbl : ") << rs.Get<double>(otext(":OUT_DBL")) << oendl;
ocout << otext(".... val_flt : ") << rs.Get<float>(otext(":OUT_FLT")) << oendl;
ocout << otext(".... val_str : ") << rs.Get<ostring>(otext(":OUT_STR")) << oendl;
ocout << otext(".... val_date : ") << rs.Get<Date>(otext(":OUT_DATE")) << oendl;
Clob clob = rs.Get<Clob>(otext(":OUT_LOB"));
ocout << otext(".... val_lob : ") << clob.Read(SizeBuffer) << oendl;
File file = rs.Get<File>(otext(":OUT_FILE"));
ocout << otext(".... val_file : ") << file.GetDirectory() << otext("/") << file.GetName() << oendl;
rs = st.GetNextResultset();
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_object_insert
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_object_insert(void)
unsigned char *constData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(const_cast< char *>("0123456789"));
Raw rawData(constData, constData + 10);
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST OBJECT BINDING \n\n");
Clob clob(con);
clob.Write(otext("Lob Value"));
File file(con, otext("mydir"), otext("myfile"));
Date date = Date::SysDate();
Object obj2(TypeInfo(con, otext("type_t"), TypeInfo::Type));
obj2.Set<int>(otext("ID"), 1);
obj2.Set<ostring>(otext("NAME"), otext("USB KEY 2go"));
Object obj1(TypeInfo(con, otext("test_t"), TypeInfo::Type));
obj1.Set<int>(otext("VAL_INT"), 1);
obj1.Set<double>(otext("VAL_DBL"), 3.14);
obj1.Set<float>(otext("VAL_FLT"), static_cast<float>(3.14));
obj1.Set<ostring>(otext("VAL_STR"), otext("USB KEY 2go"));
obj1.Set<Raw>(otext("VAL_RAW"), rawData);
obj1.Set<Date>(otext("VAL_DATE"), date);
obj1.Set<Object>(otext("VAL_OBJ"), obj2);
obj1.Set<Clob>(otext("VAL_LOB"), clob);
obj1.Set<File>(otext("VAL_FILE"), file);
Statement st(con);
st.Prepare(otext("insert into test_object values(:obj)"));
st.Bind(otext(":obj"), obj1, BindInfo::In);
ocout << otext("Rows inserted : ") << st.GetAffectedRows() << oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_object_fetch
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_object_fetch(void)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST OBJECT FETCHING \n\n");
Statement st(con);
st.Execute(otext("select val from test_object for update"));
Resultset rs = st.GetResultset();
while (rs++)
Object obj = rs.Get<Object>(1);
ocout << otext(".... val_int : ") << obj.Get<int>(otext("VAL_INT")) << oendl;
ocout << otext(".... val_dbl : ") << obj.Get<double>(otext("VAL_DBL")) << oendl;
ocout << otext(".... val_flt : ") << obj.Get<float>(otext("VAL_FLT")) << oendl;
ocout << otext(".... val_str : ") << obj.Get<ostring>(otext("VAL_STR")) << oendl;
ocout << otext(".... val_date : ") << obj.Get<Date>(otext("VAL_DATE")) << oendl;
Clob clob = obj.Get<Clob>(otext("VAL_LOB"));
ocout << otext(".... val_lob : ") << clob.Read(SizeBuffer) << oendl;
File file = obj.Get<File>(otext("VAL_FILE"));
ocout << otext(".... val_file : ") << file.GetDirectory() << otext("/") << file.GetName() << oendl;
Raw raw = obj.Get<Raw>(otext("VAL_RAW"));
ocout << otext(".... val_raw : ") << reinterpret_cast<char*>(raw.data()) << oendl;
Object obj2 = obj.Get<Object>(otext("VAL_OBJ"));
ocout << otext(".... val_obj.code : ") << obj2.Get<int>(otext("ID")) << oendl;
ocout << otext(".... val_obj.name : ") << obj2.Get<ostring>(otext("NAME")) << oendl;
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST OBJECT FETCHING AS STRING \n\n");
st.Execute(otext("select val from test_object"));
rs = st.GetResultset();
while (rs++)
ocout << rs.Get<Object>(1) << oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_scrollable_cursor
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_scrollable_cursor(void)
if (Environment::GetRuntimeVersion() > Oracle9iR1)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST SCROLLABLE CURSORS \n\n");
Statement st(con);
st.Execute(otext("select table_name from user_tables where ")
otext("table_name like 'TEST_%' order by table_name"));
Resultset rs = st.GetResultset();
ocout << otext("Total rows : ") << rs.GetCount() << oendl;
ocout << otext("... Go to row 1\n");
ocout << otext("table ") << rs.Get<ostring>(1) << oendl;
ocout << otext("... Enumerate from row 2 to row ") << rs.GetCount() << otext(" ") << oendl;
while (rs++)
ocout << otext("table ") << rs.Get<ostring>(1) << oendl;
ocout << otext("... Enumerate from row ") << rs.GetCount() - 1 << otext(" back to row 1") << oendl;
while (rs.Prev())
ocout << otext("table ") << rs.Get<ostring>(1) << oendl;
ocout << otext("... Go to the 3th row") << oendl;
ocout << otext("table ") << rs.Get<ostring>(1) << oendl;
ocout << otext("... Fetch the next 2 rows") << oendl;
while (rs.GetCurrentRow() < 5 && rs++)
ocout << otext("table ") << rs.Get<ostring>(1) << oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_collection
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_collection(void)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST VARRAY BINDING WITH ITERATOR \n\n");
int i = 1;
Statement st(con);
TypeInfo type(con, otext("T_TAB1_EMP"), TypeInfo::Type);
Collection<ostring> coll(type);
otext(" select employees into :tab_emp ")
otext(" from test_coll_varray ")
otext(" where departement = :id; ")
st.Bind(otext(":tab_emp"), coll, BindInfo::In);
st.Bind(otext(":id"), i, BindInfo::In);
ocout << otext("Department ID #") << i << oendl;
Collection<ostring>::iterator it1 = coll.begin();
for (; it1 != it2; ++it1)
ocout << otext("... Employee : ") << static_cast<ostring>(*it1) << oendl;
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST VARRAY PRINTING \n\n");
ocout << coll << oendl;
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST VARRAY FETCHING WITH ITERATOR \n\n");
st.Execute(otext("SELECT * from test_coll_varray"));
Resultset rs = st.GetResultset();
while (rs++)
ocout << otext("Department ID #") << rs.Get<int>(1) << oendl;
coll = rs.Get<Collection<ostring> >(2);
Collection<ostring>::iterator it3 = coll.begin();
for (; it3 != it4; ++it3)
ocout << otext("... Employee : ") << static_cast<ostring>(*it3) << oendl;
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST NESTED TABLE FETCHING WITH INDEX ACCESS \n\n");
st.Execute(otext("SELECT * from test_coll_nested"));
rs = st.GetResultset();
while (rs++)
ocout << otext("Department ID #") << rs.Get<int>(1) << oendl;
coll = rs.Get<Collection<ostring> >(2);
for (unsigned int index = 1, n = coll.GetSize(); index <= n; index++)
ocout << otext("... Employee : ") << static_cast<ostring>(coll[index]) << oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_ref
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_ref(void)
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST REF FETCHING \n\n");
Statement st(con);
st.Execute(otext("select ref(e) from test_table_obj e"));
Resultset rs = st.GetResultset();
while (rs++)
Reference ref = rs.Get<Reference>(1);
Object obj = ref.GetObject();
ocout << obj.Get<int>(otext("ID")) << otext(" - ") << obj.Get<ostring>(otext("NAME")) << oendl;
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST REF PL/SQL BINDING \n\n");
Reference ref(TypeInfo(con, otext("type_t"), TypeInfo::Type));
st.Prepare(otext("begin ")
otext(" select ref(e) into :r from test_table_obj e where e.id = 1; ")
otext("end; "));
st.Bind(otext(":r"), ref, BindInfo::InOut);
Object obj = ref.GetObject();
ocout << obj.Get<int>(otext("ID")) << otext(" - ") << obj.Get<ostring>(otext("NAME")) << oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_directpath
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_directpath(void)
/* Some OCI Direct path function fails (segfault) if the OCI version of the
client is different than the server one.
It happens with OCI 8i and 9i client. Apparently Oracle 10g and 11g seems to
have fixed these problems.
Anyway, we run this test case only if the major versions of client and server
// if (Environment::GetRuntimeMajorVersion() == con.GetServerMajorVersion())
/* commit any previous pending modifications */
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST DIRECT PATH (10 loads of 100 rows) \n\n");
int i = 0, j = 0, n = DirPathLoadSize;
DirectPath dp(TypeInfo(con, otext("test_directpath"), TypeInfo::Table), DirPathColumnCount, n);
/* optional attributes to set */
/* describe the target table */
dp.SetColumn(1, otext("VAL_INT"), DirPathSizeColumn1);
dp.SetColumn(2, otext("VAL_STR"), DirPathSizeColumn2);
dp.SetColumn(3, otext("VAL_DATE"), DirPathSizeColumn3, otext("YYYYMMDD"));
/* prepare the load */
n = dp.GetMaxRows();
for (i = 0; i < DirPathLoadCount; i++)
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
oostringstream val1, val2, val3;
/* fill test values */
val1 << std::setfill(otext('0')) << std::setw(4) << j + (i * DirPathLoadCount);
val2 << otext("value ") << std::setfill(otext('0')) << std::setw(5) << j + (i * DirPathLoadCount);
val3 << std::setfill(otext('0')) << std::setw(2) << (j % 23) + 1 + 2000 << std::setw(2) << (j % 11) + 1 << (j % 23) + 1;
dp.SetEntry(j, 1, val1.str());
dp.SetEntry(j, 2, val2.str());
dp.SetEntry(j, 3, val3.str());
/* load data to the server */
/* commits changes */
ocout << std::setw(4) << dp.GetRowCount() << otext(" row(s) loaded") << oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_bigint
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_bigint(void)
big_int value1 = 12345, value2 = 0;
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST BINDING BIG INT \n\n");
Statement st(con);
st.Prepare(otext("begin :value2 := :value1 * :value1; end;"));
st.Bind(otext(":value1"), value1, BindInfo::In);
st.Bind(otext(":value2"), value2, BindInfo::Out);
ocout << value1 << " * " << value1 << " = " << value2 << oendl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* test_number
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void test_number()
ocout << otext("\n>>>>> TEST ORACLE NUMBER \n\n");
TypeInfo tc(con, otext("test_num_coll_t"), TypeInfo::Type);
TypeInfo to(con, otext("test_num_t"), TypeInfo::Type);
Object ob(to);
Number nm;
Statement st(con);
// Testing fetching numbers (as number and using implicit conversion number to string)
st.Execute(otext("select value from test_number"));
Resultset rs = st.GetResultset();
while (rs.Next())
Number num = rs.Get<Number>(1);
ostring str = rs.Get<ostring>(1);
ocout << str << " - " << num << oendl;
// Testing binding external single number
nm = otext("1234.4321");
st.Prepare(otext("begin :1 := :1 *2 ; end;"));
st.Bind(otext(":1"), nm, BindInfo::InOut);
ocout << nm << oendl;
// Testing registering number for a returning into statement
st.Prepare(otext("update test_number set value = value *2 returning value into :1"));
rs = st.GetResultset();
while (rs.Next())
ocout << rs.Get<ostring>(1) << oendl;
// testing Collections
for (; it1 != it2; ++it1)
ocout << static_cast<Number>(*it1) << oendl;
// Testing objects
nm = otext("5555.6666");
ocout << nm << oendl;
ob.Set(otext("value"), nm);
ocout << ob.Get<Number>(otext("value")) << oendl;
// Testing fetching infinite values to string
st.Execute(otext("SELECT utl_raw.cast_to_number('FF65'), utl_raw.cast_to_number('00') from dual"));
rs = st.GetResultset();
while (rs.Next())
ocout << otext("pos infinite = ") << rs.Get<ostring>(1) << oendl;
ocout << otext("neg infinite = ") << rs.Get<ostring>(2) << oendl;
Object identifying the SQL data types VARRAY and NESTED TABLE.
Definition: types.hpp:5170
iterator end()
Returns an iterator referring to the past-the-end element in the collection.
Definition: Collection.hpp:136
iterator begin()
Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the collection.
Definition: Collection.hpp:124
STL compliant Collection Random iterator class.
Definition: types.hpp:5110
Encapsulate a Resultset column or object member properties.
Definition: types.hpp:7008
ostring GetName() const
Return the Column name.
Definition: Column.hpp:33
ostring GetFullSQLType() const
Return the Oracle SQL Full name including precision and size of the column data type.
Definition: Column.hpp:43
A connection or session with a specific database.
Definition: types.hpp:1587
void EnableServerOutput(unsigned int bufsize, unsigned int arrsize, unsigned int lnsize)
Enable the server output.
Definition: Connection.hpp:179
void Commit()
Commit current pending changes.
Definition: Connection.hpp:69
void DisableServerOutput()
Disable the server output.
Definition: Connection.hpp:184
void Close()
Close the physical connection to the DB server.
Definition: Connection.hpp:64
void Open(const ostring &db, const ostring &user, const ostring &pwd, Environment::SessionFlags sessionFlags=Environment::SessionDefault)
Create a physical connection to an Oracle database server.
Definition: Connection.hpp:55
unsigned int GetServerMajorVersion() const
Return the major version number of the connected database server.
Definition: Connection.hpp:129
unsigned int GetServerMinorVersion() const
Return the minor version number of the connected database server.
Definition: Connection.hpp:134
unsigned int GetServerRevisionVersion() const
Return the revision version number of the connected database server.
Definition: Connection.hpp:139
bool GetServerOutput(ostring &line) const
Retrieve one line of the server buffer.
Definition: Connection.hpp:189
OracleVersion GetVersion() const
Return the Oracle version supported by the connection.
Definition: Connection.hpp:119
ostring GetServerVersion() const
Return the connected database server string version.
Definition: Connection.hpp:124
Object identifying the SQL data type DATE.
Definition: types.hpp:2716
static Date SysDate()
Return the current system date time.
Definition: Date.hpp:84
Oracle Direct path loading encapsulation.
Definition: types.hpp:8758
static unsigned int GetRuntimeMajorVersion()
Return the major version number of OCI used at runtime.
static void EnableWarnings(bool value)
Enable or disable Oracle warning notifications.
static OracleVersion GetRuntimeVersion()
Return the version of OCI used at runtime.
static void Initialize(EnvironmentFlags mode=Environment::Default, const ostring &libpath=OTEXT(""))
Initialize the OCILIB environment.
Definition: Environment.hpp:67
static void Cleanup()
Clean up all resources allocated by the environment.
Definition: Environment.hpp:77
static Environment::CharsetMode GetCharset()
Return the OCILIB charset type.
static Environment::ImportMode GetImportMode()
Return the Oracle shared library import mode.
Definition: Environment.hpp:98
static unsigned int GetCompileMajorVersion()
Return the major version number of OCI used for compiling OCILIB.
Exception class handling all OCILIB errors.
Definition: types.hpp:360
ostring GetMessage() const
Retrieve the error message.
Definition: Exception.hpp:152
const char * what() const noexcept override
Override the std::exception::what() method.
Definition: Exception.hpp:147
ExceptionType GetType() const
Return the Exception type.
Definition: Exception.hpp:198
Object identifying the SQL data type BFILE.
Definition: types.hpp:4458
ostring GetDirectory() const
Return the file directory.
Definition: File.hpp:123
ostring GetName() const
Return the file name.
Definition: File.hpp:118
Object identifying the SQL data type INTERVAL.
Definition: types.hpp:3172
Object identifying the SQL data type LOB (CLOB, NCLOB and BLOB)
Definition: types.hpp:4136
unsigned int Write(const T &content)
Write the given content at the current position within the lob.
Definition: Lob.hpp:99
big_uint GetLength() const
Returns the number of characters or bytes contained in the lob.
Definition: Lob.hpp:173
unsigned int Append(const T &content)
Append the given content to the lob.
Definition: Lob.hpp:126
T Read(unsigned int length)
Read a portion of a lob.
bool Seek(SeekMode seekMode, big_uint offset)
Move the current position within the lob for read/write operations.
Definition: Lob.hpp:139
Object identifying the SQL data type LONG.
Definition: types.hpp:5439
unsigned int GetLength() const
Return the buffer length.
Definition: Long.hpp:61
Object identifying the SQL data type NUMBER.
Definition: types.hpp:2507
Object identifying the SQL data type OBJECT.
Definition: types.hpp:4784
void Set(const ostring &name, const T &value)
Set the given object attribute value.
Definition: Object.hpp:369
T Get(const ostring &name) const
Return the given object attribute value.
Definition: Object.hpp:234
Object identifying the SQL data type REF.
Definition: types.hpp:4964
Object GetObject() const
Returns the object pointed by the reference.
Definition: Reference.hpp:64
Database resultset.
Definition: types.hpp:6649
bool Last()
Fetch the last row of the resultset.
Definition: Resultset.hpp:48
unsigned int GetCurrentRow() const
Retrieve the current row index.
Definition: Resultset.hpp:63
Column GetColumn(unsigned int index) const
Return the column from its index in the resultset.
Definition: Resultset.hpp:78
unsigned int GetColumnCount() const
Return the number of columns in the resultset.
Definition: Resultset.hpp:73
bool Seek(SeekMode mode, int offset)
Custom Fetch of the resultset.
Definition: Resultset.hpp:53
T Get(unsigned int index) const
Return the current value of the column at the given index in the resultset.
Definition: Resultset.hpp:470
bool Prev()
Fetch the previous row of the resultset.
Definition: Resultset.hpp:38
bool First()
Fetch the first row of the resultset.
Definition: Resultset.hpp:43
bool Next()
Fetch the next row of the resultset.
Definition: Resultset.hpp:33
unsigned int GetCount() const
Retrieve the number of rows fetched so far.
Definition: Resultset.hpp:58
Object used for executing SQL or PL/SQL statement and returning the produced results.
Definition: types.hpp:5700
Resultset GetResultset()
Retrieve the resultset from an executed statement.
Definition: Statement.hpp:185
Object identifying the SQL data type TIMESTAMP.
Definition: types.hpp:3607
static Timestamp SysTimestamp(TimestampType type=NoTimeZone)
return the current system timestamp
Definition: Timestamp.hpp:306
Provides type information on Oracle Database objects.
Definition: types.hpp:4647
long long big_int
big_int is a C scalar integer (32 or 64 bits) depending on compiler support for 64bits integers....
Definition: platform.h:281
OCILIB ++ Namespace.
std::basic_string< otext, std::char_traits< otext >, std::allocator< otext > > ostring
string class wrapping the OCILIB otext * type and OTEXT() macros ( see Character sets )
Definition: config.hpp:120
@ SeekSet
Definition: types.hpp:239
Lob< ostring, LobCharacter > Clob
Class handling CLOB oracle type.
Definition: types.hpp:4425
std::vector< unsigned char > Raw
C++ counterpart of SQL RAW data type.
Definition: config.hpp:138