2017-01-25 Version 4.3.1 Vincent Rogier vince.rogier@ocilib.net * Fixes (C API) - Issue #60: Fixed bug introduced in v4.3.0 related to binding arrays of big ints - Issue #64: Fixed structure size computation for Object members that are Objects - Issue #65: Fixed Binding null/non initialized OCI_Number * Even if OCI_BindSetNullAtPos() was called, attempting to bind a non initialized or null OCI_Number led to statement execution failure - Issue #68: Fixed OCI_Excecute() behavior with PL/SQL "select into" and no data found * When executing a PL/SQL block with inner PL/SQL code like "select into : from table" that does fetch anything, Oracle call OCIStmtExecute() returns OCI_NO_DATA, which is handled by OCILIB as an failure * Now OCI_Execute() considers OCI_NO_DATA as success * Updated OCI_GetAffectedRows() documentation for determining if inner PL/SQL "select into" was successful * Fixes (C++ API) - Issue #63: Added cstddef header in ocilib_core.hpp as on some platorms/compiler versions, it was reported as needed - Issue #67: Fixed memory leak when using Number objects * Removed attempt to use move semantics * It is currently causing memory leaks and does not bring that much as C API handles are already handled using smart pointers * Changes: - Request #66: Increased value of OCI_BIND_MAX * Increased value of OCI_BIND_MAX from 1024 to 65535 * Now Internal Arrays of OCI_Bind can grow and are reallocated by blocks of 128 binds