2011-12-05 Version 3.9.3 Vincent Rogier vince.rogier@ocilib.net * Miscellaneous fixes - Fixed broken support for Oracle 8i client since v3.9.0 - Fixed OCI_ObjectSetObject() : a bug had been introduced in v3.8.1 when computing internal object structure offsets and paddings - Fixed OCI_LobRead(), OCI_LobRead2() : in OCI_CHARSET_WIDE charset builds only, a segfault could happen caused by an internal buffer overwrite - Fixed OCI_SetStatementCacheSize(), OCI_GetStatementCacheSize() : an error ORA-24315 (with no incidence) could be thrown by some versions of Oracle clients - Fixed OCI_BindXXX() : All binding methods returned TRUE instead of FALSE when an exception OCI_ERR_MAX_BIND occured - Fixed OCI_GetString() : an error OCI-22061 was happening when the column was numeric and a user defined numeric format where provided with OCI_SetDefaultFormatNumeric() - Fixed OCI_GetServerRevisionVersion() : it was returned the same value as OCI_GetServerMajorVersion() since v3.4.0 - Fixed internal method OCI_ParseSqlFmt() used in OCI_xxxFmt() calls : Quoted strings were not properly output since v3.9.0 - Fixed internal allocation mode : - some OCI_BindXXX() calls were not compatible with OCI_BAM_INTERNAL allocation mode and when used with it, were causing segfaults if the host variable parameter was NULL - now these methods raise an OCI_ERR_NULL_POINTER error if the host variable parameter is NULL and the statement bind allocation mode is set to OCI_BAM_INTERNAL * Miscellaneous changes - OCILIB library compilation - Modified compile time detection of OCI client version when using OCI_IMPORT_LINKAGE as Oracle backported some defines introduced at version (X) in patches for version (X-1) ! - OCILIB documentation - Updated Bind allocation mode description : added list of incompatible OCI_BindXXX() methods - Added OCI_BAM_INTERNAL compatibility information in all OCI_BindXXX calls() documentation - Added OCI_ENV_EVENTS requirements for subscriptions and HA methods - Minor changes - few code internal minor changes - Removed in each OCILIB source file, the version number and date time (updated at each new release, using diff tools was a nigthmare !)