2012-08-08 Version 3.10.0 Vincent Rogier vince.rogier@ocilib.net * Added support for native C float datatype : - Added OCI_GetFloat() - Added OCI_GetFloat2() - Added OCI_BindFloat() - Added OCI_BindArrayOfFloats() - Added OCI_RegisterFloat() - Added OCI_ElemGetFloat() - Added OCI_ElemSetFloat() - Added OCI_ObjectGetFloat() - Added OCI_ObjectSetFloat() - Added constant OCI_ARG_FLOAT - Added constant OCI_NUM_FLOAT - Use the input identifier '%g' for OCI_StmtxxxxFmt() calls when passing float variables - Updated demo application to use float datatype * Fixed OCI_IntervalArrayCreate() : wrong internal handle type caused the function to fail to allocate the array with the right interval type