2008-07-24 Version 2.5.1 Vincent Rogier vince.rogier@gmail.com * Fixed : OCILIB builds with Runtime loading of OCI shared library activated - Loading dynamically OCIMutexXXX() functions was broken with v2.5.0 - Runtime loading of the OCI shared library on Unix-like platforms was broken with v2.5.0 * Fixed Unicode builds: - Binding C Unicode strings (wchar_t *) to PL/SQL tables of char/varchar was throwing an PLS-00418 error - The internal buffer expansion (for Unix-like platforms where wchar_t is 4 bytes) could mess up the data for arrays of string binds - OCI_ConnPoolGetConnection() could return NULL with an Oracle 8i client if OCILIB was built with an OCI version >= 8 or with OCI_IMPORT_RUNTIME option